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Shang Ju Li

現      職:

Senior Director of Monitoring and Evaluation/ Americares


May 01,

10:05 am CDT, 專題講座


COVID 3.0 Strategy – nonprofit organizations’ challenges and operations in 2021


台灣醫師的全球平等醫療資源夢- 李尚儒

為甚麼稱他為「李醫師」”? 因為與許多在台灣優秀的醫生一樣,經過7年醫學院辛苦的訓練後也順利通過國家醫師執照的考試,並且已經進入到台灣的醫療系統為廣大的病患服務,但李尚儒醫師覺得除了在醫院幫助病人外,似乎可以再做更多去影響及幫助資源不足地區的人,於是毅然決然辭去大家眼中穩定且羨慕的白袍醫師工作到太平洋彼岸祕魯貧民窟的兒童英語學校當志工!在秘魯物資與生活條件都跟台灣差很多,卻讓他深刻體會到,幫助弱勢與協助貧窮地區的人得到更多的資源是他一生的職志! 為了讓自己可以幫助非營利組織更有效率地將資源分配,李醫師在結束祕魯的階段性任務之後,到西雅圖華盛頓大學攻讀國際醫療碩士,讓自己可以在非營利組織的管理與國際醫療計畫的執行成功率有更多的貢獻。畢業後李醫師募資成立Helping Overcome Obstacles Peru (HOOP) 非營利組織,幫助許多秘魯許多貧民可以受教育與得到基本的醫療資源。2016李尚儒除了醫生或志工的身份更多了一個身分– 全球人道計劃的負責人與決策者,此次的講座李醫師將與我們分享他這一路上在不同身分與地區的經歷,以及後疫情時代非營利機構面臨的挑戰與契機。

李尚儒現職為AmeriCares Senior Director of Monitoring and Evaluation。 AmeriCares為全球性非營利機構,主要針對開發中、貧窮、或遭受自然災害危機的國家或地區提供有系統的人道與醫療協助。想知道更多關於尚儒精彩的經歷的朋友們,趕快報名參加喔!


As senior director of monitoring and evaluation, Dr. Shang-Ju Li oversees the monitoring and impact assessment of Americares programmatic initiatives domestically and abroad. Each year, the health-focused relief and development organization reaches an average of 90 countries and all 50 U.S. states with innovative health programs and quality medical aid. Experiences include establishing a statistical model to estimate the patient level impact of multi-million valued medical donation program. Results and recommendations incorporated these measures into existing supply chain systems, enabling ongoing improvements through timely, rich and practical data.

Prior to joining Americares in 2016, Dr. Li founded the nonprofit Helping Overcome Obstacles Peru, aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty in the community through free education and medical outreach programs, as well as projects in social work, community development, and microfinance. Over 2,000 low-income households were benefitted from the program.

Dr. Li completed his MPH in Global Health at the University of Washington. He has published research papers on the Iraqi mortality rate during the Iran-Ira war and post-disaster research, as well as reviewed articles for BMJ Global Health and the American Journal of Public Health. He is constantly humbled by the opportunity to work collaboratively with colleagues around the globe and across industries to advance health outcomes. He has worked in the Philippines, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Liberia, Tanzania, Haiti, Peru, El Salvador, Taiwan, and the United States and speaks Spanish and Mandarin. He currently lives in Seattle.


Global health nonprofit organizations in the US
How does coronavirus affect our work?
During the pandemic, what have we done?
Community-based nonprofit organizations in developing countries
How does coronavirus affect their work?
During the pandemic, what have they done?

COVID challenges in 2021
Challenges for global health nonprofit
Supply chain management and recipients’ expectations
Program implementations
Challenges for community-based nonprofit
Funding source
Fake news and misinformation
Community’s trust and struggle

Strategies and operations
COVID strategy for global health
Increase Vaccine confidence among healthcare providers
Ensure continuity of healthcare
COVID strategy for local health focused organizations
Secure funding source
Fighting fake news and misinformation

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